
HONEST CO. responds to the needs of eco-recycling society, working to conserve the global environment, and effectively utilizes limited resources. We are dedicated carrying out our societal responsibilities as a corporate citizen, and to gaining the trust and satisfaction of all of our stakeholders.
Contributing to the Creation of Advanced Eco-recycling Society through Our Business Activities
The world is calling for the protection of the environment on a global scale, and the ability to create and provide environmentally friendly products and performance has become a key element of next generation business strategy in the automotive industry as well. One of the key phrases of this strategy is “contribution to advanced eco-recycling society”. Cutting edge technologies are used to restore the performance of the rebuilt parts developed and manufactured by HONEST CO. to their original levels. We strive to increase the value of these parts, as an essential part of the sustainable development of the automobile industry. Our goal is to contribute to advanced eco-recycling society through our principal business activity of supplying rebuilt parts.
Our Environmental Conservation Concept is the “4 Rs”
The 3R concept is gaining wide acceptance as an important approach to resolving environmental problems. These consist of recycling, reusing, and reducing. We have added to this a fourth R, “Remanufacturing” -- recycling by using techniques for restoring used components (core components) to the same level of quality as new components. We have set this 4th R as one of our action objectives to contribute to environmental conservation.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) through Company Management
HONEST’s fundamental management policy is based on our corporate philosophy of “supporting the future of the planet through automobile component rebuilding and recycling”. Led by this philosophy, we are dedicated to harmonize our business activities and the environment, proactively engaging in resource utilization and the prevention of environmental pollution, and carrying out our social responsibilities as a corporate citizen with close ties to the community. We believe it is our duty to obey all laws and regulations, always consider our contributions to society, and provide high quality products and services. Through these efforts we believe we can establish deeper relationships of trust with all of our stakeholders. Our business is, itself, a type of environmental measure. In order to serve an important role to society, we have defined the following environmental policy, which all of our employees are unified in putting into practice.

Product Information
  • Rebuilt Parts
  • superior component

Product information is contained in the electronic version of our company profile.